Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Beginning

SUCCESS bear : made specially for my hubby. It looks really like him with glasses : )

White collar + necktie + briefcase + TIME magazine (printed by hubby) = a smart looking bear who is very successful (appeared as the cover bear on TIME) !!!

I like this bear TIME magazine very much and asked my hubby to print two copies so that I can keep one for myself, haha ......

Waving for a taxi ...... have to chair a very important meeting !

TIME magazine's cover photo shows self-confidence, and I wish my husband's business thrives in 2010.

Before dressing up (25.5cm tall).

Looks chunky when compared with another bear I made before Christmas.

This slim bear is made of tipped mohair (38cm tall).

After dressing up, it becomes a Christmas Party Girl, a contest bear for Hong Kong Teddy Bear Awards 2009.

A breezy bear dressed in a one-piece pantskirt with lace drape on shoulder and a festive hat will be everybody's darling at Christmas parties.